Care Instructions for wireless charging

Here are some general care instructions for wireless charging products:

  1. Keep it clean: Regularly wipe down the charging pad or stand with a soft, damp cloth to remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated on the surface. 

  2. Avoid moisture: Keep your wireless charging pad or stand away from water or other liquids to avoid damaging the internal components. Do not use the charging pad or stand if it has been exposed to water or other liquids.

  3. Handle with care: Handle your wireless charging pad or stand with care to avoid dropping or knocking it over, which can damage the internal components. Do not place any heavy or sharp objects on top of the charging pad or stand.

  4. Use a compatible power source: Make sure that the power source you are using to power the charging pad or stand is compatible with the product's specifications. Using a power source with the wrong voltage or current can damage the charging pad or stand or your device.

  5. Don't overcharge your device: Avoid leaving your device on the charging pad or stand for extended periods of time after it has reached a full charge. Overcharging your device can reduce the battery life and potentially damage the device.

By following these care instructions, you can help ensure that your wireless charging product functions properly and safely, and that it lasts for a long time.